Collective Worship

Worship lies at the heart of our school life. Our worship involves the children in a wide range of aesthetic, ethical, linguistic, social, physical and spiritual activities. The quality of communal life at our school and the richness of personal relationships within it are both enhanced by worship and given a deeper meaning by it.

Each morning we gather as a whole school for a collective worship assembly. Our collective worship consists of the following elements:

  • Prayer
  • Bible scripture that links to theme
  • Reflection time
  • Worship songs
  • Pupil involvement

We encourage the children to be aware of and sensitive to the spiritual dimension of life and how Christians understand God as central to that.  In all our acts of worship we actively foster a prayerful atmosphere, one of reverence. Collective worship will always have an awareness of the diversity of our school community, including the presence of those who hold no faith commitment but remain sympathetic to the Christian ethos of the school.

Collective Worship Policy

Reception Open Days 2024/25: 

Our St Mary’s Open Days are as follows:

Tuesday 8th October – 10am
Thursday 14th November – 6pm
Saturday 7th December – 10am
Thursday 9th January – 10am

There is no booking required.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.