Headteacher’s Welcome

“Training children to be confident, independent learners with enquiring minds, a life-long love of learning and an approach to life that reflects core biblical values and principles.”

Welcome to St. Mary’s Church of England a Primary School. Whether you are a current pupil, parent, staff member of the school or considering St. Mary’s for your child’s schooling, we welcome you!

St. Mary’s C of E Primary is located within the heart of Walthamstow and is part of the Diocese of Chelmsford and the Genesis Education Trust (registration number: 10653595). The trust is a fast growing collaboration currently between The Federated Schools of St Mary’s and St Saviour’s, Walthamstow with St Margaret’s in Barking – forming an Independent Church Multi-Academy Trust. Genesis Education Trust.

I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain with me and I with you then you will bear much fruit. Love one another as I have loved you. (John 15).

At St. Mary’s we believe with a passion that if we can develop confident, independent pupils who have the freedom to follow their own lines of enquiry, learn from their mistakes and who are not deterred from trying new ways of working, our children will become ‘life-long learners’ within their chosen future occupation. All of our policies and schemes of work are based on this mission – from classroom environments to behaviour.

All of us here are ‘life-long learners’ and the school invests much time, effort and finance into staff development – ensuring our staff are fully equipped for the wonderful job that they do each day.

St Mary’s is a school with a living connection with the local faith and wider community. As a church school, we have always sought to express our Christian ethos in practical ways that make a difference.

Although there is a diversity of belief and emphasis within our existing school community, we do ask that everyone at St Mary’s understands our values and endeavours to join us in living them out, whatever their particular task or role. By values we mean descriptions of the way in which we hope every member of the school, adults and children, will conduct themselves through life. In short they answer the question: how do we do things round here? Our values are (as chosen by the pupils, parents staff and governors are): caring, equality, faith, forgiveness, respect, truth & wisdom. 

These values are intended to include every interaction in school life, not just something adults do to children. Everyone has a role in modelling, showing and sharing them. They also form the way in which we hope all our policies and procedures will be applied to situations as they arise. Thank you for visiting our website. I trust you will find everything that you are looking for and will join us in celebrating our successes. If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate in contacting us – I would love to show you around.


Mr James Pawley

Head of School 

Reception Open Days 2024/25: 

Our St Mary’s Open Days are as follows:

Tuesday 8th October – 10am
Thursday 14th November – 6pm
Saturday 7th December – 10am
Thursday 9th January – 10am

There is no booking required.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.